sg Golf - philosophies from the Garden
… sg Philosophies for golf
We bloody love (and hate) this game. But, have you ever contemplated why we love it so much?
The absolute simplicity of the task at hand, i.e. ball in hole, coupled with the ridiculous skill involved in pulling this off is truly captivating!
It is a expression of harmony between mind and body!
It allows us to be completely present in the moment and hopefully with great company as well!
Depending on how lucky you are, the courses we have access to are generally, stunningly beautiful places to be
The list goes on. The game is beautiful on so many levels. So appreciate every opportunity to play. There will come a day where you are no longer able.
Which brings us on to a few suggestions / insights that we hope will help you enjoy the game even more
Firstly, and most importantly, no-one cares what score you shoot. Really! Whether it you shoot 75 or 105 (+), it does not make a difference to anyone but you. When have you ever thought badly of a friend for having a bad day on the course? It only matters to you. And only if you allow it. Point being, don’t take it too seriously! Of course, we all want to improve as players but unfortunately for us, we are not tour professionals. We are always going to make plenty of mistakes on the course so we you do shank it or miss a 3 footer, please see the funny side !!! The game, as we know, is unbelievably frustrating and the irony is painful at times… so just allow yourself to enjoy the good times
Don’t be a dick! Some of us are lucky enough to have club memberships. Others are not. But, if you are one of those members who feels entitled to every blade of grass on the course and look down new players etc. The sg is not for you! :)
Improving your scores ….
Play as if you have one life only …… As in, hypothetically, if you lost your ball, you would be ‘out’ and have to walk back to the club house (like in Cricket, when a batsman loses their wicket) - I’m not suggesting you actually do this but adopting this mindset will make you a better player.
Because the difference between great players and average players is not the number of birdies made but the number of ‘mistakes’ avoided. It is not sexy but this is the truth. Scoring well is all about damage limitation. That is it. The perfect round does not exist. We are all going to hit bad shots on every round but it is about where we miss.
Adopting this mindset makes you think differently. If you cannot afford to lose your ball, you will always choose your clubs accordingly and swing to keep the ball in play. This alone, for the average golfer will take many, many shots off your card.
The tiger line is for Tiger, not you;)
Luckily, an SG bag will make up for any aura lost;)